Unpredictable World


how long it  will be  going on i cant imagine,

some where i looking for the way as i want,
how to come out from this nasty world build by eyes of others??
how can i wonder beyond this path which may not chosen by me??
how i forget myself in the co lours of dreams which is not mine??
some question are there ?
some answers are there?
how to relate both things???not to be decided,
every time i feel this pain which can not be heard by anyone,
some way is there to leave this path but how it is to be chosen when there is darkness around whole world,
some times i fell down and see at up how long this sky is far away from earth?
tell me?
tell me?
how to fly when there is broken feathers of mine
how can one can be so unpredictable,when predictions are still in his mind?
how long it will be going on i cant imagine….